Friday, August 22, 2008

Recitation today

So. Today we'll slow it down a bit, and there are only two things we need to do.

1) Work on the homework problems
2) Take a small assessment test on electricity and magnetism.

The latter thing is ungraded, and has two real purposes. First, it lets us see which areas are most deserving of attention, and what you (as a whole) are likely to have the most trouble with. Second, it lets us (and by 'us' I mean the administration) see how well we actually teach you the material.

Related to the latter point, you will take the same assessment test at the end of the semester - the same material as a pre- and post-test to gauge how much you actually learned, vs. how much you knew already.

As a small incentive, if you successfully complete both assessment tests, I will drop one additional quiz.

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